Thursday, October 22, 2009

DSI Editor Vacancy Announcement for Decision Sciences Journal

DSI Editor Vacancy Announcement for Decision Sciences Journal

Decision Sciences Journal-Editor Vacancy

Pursuant to Institute procedures, the Decision Sciences Institute (DSI)

is seeking qualified candidates for the Editor of the Decision Sciences

Journal. The Editor will serve four years, starting with July 1, 2010,

and may be reappointed to a second two-year term. The basic

responsibility of the Decision Sciences Editor is to publish four high

quality issues of the Journal in February, May, August, and November of

each year.

The mission of the journal is to publish *scholarly research about

decision making within the boundaries of an organization, as well as

decisions involving inter-firm coordination. The journal promotes

research advancing decision making at the interfaces of business

functions and organizational boundaries.* As a flagship journal of the

Decision Sciences Institute, the journal has a rich history and a record

of publishing high quality multidisciplinary research, from a variety of

disciplines. The articles published in the journal have had a high

impact over time and influenced the evolution of knowledge in different

management disciplines.

The committee seeks individuals who are thought leaders and

internationally renowned scholars in their chosen discipline. With

respect to intellectual interests, the Decision Sciences Editor should

have familiarity with virtually all functional and methodological areas

related to managerial decision making. Equally important, the Editor

must be willing to bend personal preferences in favor of the eclectic

interests represented by the membership of the Institute.

Each candidate or nominee for the Editorship position is requested to

provide the following information:

1. Current curriculum vita that includes information about

education, academic and administrative positions, publications, honors

and awards, professional affiliations and activities, and other relevant


2. Description of editorial experience with scholarly journals or

other publications.

3. Statement of interest and availability to serve as Editor,

including a description of anticipated academic and professional

responsibilities for the next four years.

4. Statement of editorial philosophy, including views on editorial

policy, directions the publication should take, and composition of and

approach to working with Associate Editors and reviewers.

5. Vision for an editorial structure that might be appropriate for

attracting and managing high quality submissions from multiple

disciplines represented by the Decision Sciences community.

6. Brief description of administrative, organizational and

managerial experience.

7. Brief description of Institutional commitment for the support of

the editorial office for the next four years.

The due date for nomination/application for the position is October 15,

2009, though the process will be kept open until the position is filled.

All nominations/applications should be addressed to Manoj Malhotra,

Chair of the Search Committee, (, while enquiries

about the position could be addressed to the Committee Chair or any one

of the Search Committee Members including Vallabhajosyula Sambamurthy

(, Kingshuk K. Sinha (, and

Peter Ward (

Decision Sciences Institute

Georgia State University

35 Broad Street, Suite 414

Atlanta, GA 30303

404-413-7710 (Phone)

404-413-7714 (Fax)